Today was very productive!
Our tutor suggested we got started with the coding, something we had not planned to do just yet, but turned out very productive. The general idea was to work out the rough part of the application to easier be able to plan the project.
In an earlier post I supplied some sample code for connecting Erlang to Spidermonkey using erlang_js, today we integrated this code with an OTP server. This means we can execute javascript on our OTP server and return the result to the callee.
The earlier sample code evolved into two functions residing in js_runner.erl which will be responsible for the execution of javascript. When executing the javascript, the js:call function expects all parameters to be in binary form, which became a bit of a headache.
The client sends data in UTF8 form to the server, and the server must then somehow convert this UTF8 data to a binary string, "abc" becomes <<"abc>> in other words. The problem we had with this was that term_to_binary/1 does not support unicode or UTF8. Later we discovered the unicode library, and also that list_to_binary/1 does support unicode.
Currently the server uses TCP for communication, mainly because it is easier to test. We use telnet, and a custom client developed by Jeena in Ruby. This client is basically a mock game for our game server, and in the future, games will use UDP to talk to the server.
We have also identified that we should use Mnesia for our data store, and not as previously stated ETS. ETS is not suitable in a distributed environment while Mnesia is. This work has not yet begun, however Mathias has taken it upon himself to investigate it and produce some sample code.
Work continues on the SpiderMonkey side regarding the JS -> Erlang bindings, we are investigating whether we should implement this in erlang_js or work around it some other way.
Time Report
We spent today, from 11 - 16.30 (5.5h) working on this.
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